
2024 State of AI Video in SaaS Report

What are your competitors investing in? The 2024 State of AI Video in SaaS Report is here!

AI is transforming the entire world (obviously). But did you know video automation is leading the charge? In the 2024 State of AI Video SaaS Report, we surveyed 194 SaaS leaders to uncover how they’re thinking about and investing in AI—especially when it comes to how-to and tutorial videos for...

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how to make an onboarding video in an AI video generator

How to make an onboarding video in an AI video generator

Onboarding videos help new users understand your product quickly and effectively, reducing churn and speeding up time-to-value. But creating these...

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What is an AI Video Editor, REALLY?

Tons of companies are claiming to be AI video editors. Spoilers? They're not. There is so much chatter and chaos around generative AI that it's easy...

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Screen recorders cost WAY more than you think.

$2.6 trillion dollars. According to a recent McKinsey report, that's how much generative AI's impact on productivity could add in value. Like,...

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Don't be scared by generative AI. Be scared of THIS 👀

"AI is coming for your job!" "This AI is a CEO!" "Could this AI replace your dog??" The media is full of stories about AI and the fear surrounding...

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SaaS Onboarding Best Practices 2024

The ultimate 2024 guide for SaaS onboarding best practices

Getting customer onboarding right means the different between "stickiness" and ghosting. And that's not a joke about Slimer. SaaS onboarding is super...

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The TikTok-ification of Customer Education (and why it’s a good thing, actually)

You’re probably sick of articles bemoaning the “TikTok-ification of (insert anything here)”. It’s kind of like how just 10 years ago every headline...

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Boost retention by smoothing transitions in the SaaS lifecycle

If you've been scratching your head trying to figure out when your customers are ready to move to the next stage, you're in the right place. Let’s...

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5 essential strategies for reducing customer churn

Customer churn is like a leaky bucket—you keep pouring in new customers, but if you don't plug the holes, they keep slipping away. Let's dive into...

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How generative AI is making customer retention easy

It’s a struggle to keep up with constant updates as a SaaS user. Multiply that by a bunch of times when it comes to producing the training materials...

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How HubSpot uses AI as the ultimate co-pilot

Every day we see another headline proclaiming that AI has taken yet another part of the world by storm. It’s enough to make even the most stoic...

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Buckle up! AI generated videos are revolutionizing Customer Education

AI-generated videos are totally transforming training. (Say that 5 times fast. It’s fun!) Anyway. AI-generated software training and tutorial videos...

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The secret behind Nextiva’s global reach (spoiler: it’s auto-generated videos)

Nextiva, a global cloud-based software company, faced a big challenge: irrelevant training. According to Nextiva’s Director of Voice of the Customer...

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8 sneaky ways to increase retention in SaaS user onboarding

8 sneaky ways 👀 to increase adoption in SaaS user onboarding

Ever wondered how some companies nail their user onboarding, making you stick around and love their product? It's not magic—it's psychology! There’s...

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Customer satisfaction does NOT improve retention. Here's what DOES.

Customer satisfaction does NOT improve retention. Here's what DOES.

Companies are obsessed with customer satisfaction. We’ve got NPS scores, feedback surveys, and more all geared to measure customer satisfaction. But...

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