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Training Software

90% Faster! 😱 How Reputation slashed video production time with Videate

90% Faster! 😱 How Reputation slashed video production time with Videate

Reputation used to need 12-15 hours to produce a single video. So how did they suddenly get it down to only 1 hour? Reputation obviously had a...

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6 reasons ASi believes the BEST software for creating training videos is Videate

6 reasons ASi believes the BEST software for creating training videos is Videate

ASi went from struggling to release one training video weekly to producing up to 15 per week. According to Michelle Balagia, a technical writer at...

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5 Mind-Blowing Hacks 🤯 to Revolutionize Your Customer Service Videos!

5 Mind-Blowing Hacks 🤯 to Revolutionize Your Customer Service Videos!

Are your customer service videos lacking that wow factor? Do you struggle to engage your audience and keep their attention? Say goodbye to boring...

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How Videate's explainer video software revolutionized Bitsight's video production

For cybersecurity companies like Bitsight, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. So when Bitsight needed to quickly create high-quality training...

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Creating video tutorials that increase product adoption

One of the key challenges we face in SaaS Customer Success is product adoption. How can we ensure that new users not only onboard, but actually start...

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Best SaaS Customer Support uses Videos for Common Issues

Exposing the best-kept secret in SaaS training best practices

How can companies provide effective SaaS training and support at scale? Self-service. And the best way (and most asked-for by users) to provide it is...

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The Power of Self-Service: How Videos Drive Customer Success

The power of self-service: how videos drive Customer Success

Empowering customers to help themselves is critical. Not only does it help reduce the strain on resources, but customers demand it. That’s probably...

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The Unstoppable Rise of Tutorial Videos in B2B SaaS: Are You Keeping Up?

The UNSTOPPABLE rise of tutorial videos in B2B SaaS: are you keeping up?

How-to videos are no longer a “nice-to-have”. They’re a “need-to-have”. And if you’re not already on board with that, don’t worry. Your competitors...

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The Skyrocketing Demand for Video and Why You Should Care

The skyrocketing demand for video and why you should care

The battle for customer attention is fiercer than ever. As B2B SaaS companies strive to deliver exceptional customer experiences, the choice between...

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Using Customer Success Videos to Highlight SaaS Features and Upgrades

Using Customer Success videos to highlight SaaS features and upgrades

Imagine this: You've invested in a top-notch SaaS solution to ramp up your business's productivity. But how do you keep that value flowing and retain...

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Mapping journey of the SaaS customer lifecycle

How-to videos at every stage of the SaaS Customer Lifecycle

As a SaaS company, you’re probably focused on providing customers with a great experience that keeps them coming back. One way to achieve this is by...

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Why how-to videos increase user adoption for SaaS

Why how-to videos increase product adoption for SaaS

SaaS programs must impress quickly or the customer will move on to the next option. Kind of like dating. So how can SaaS companies get customers to...

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How SaaS companies can reduce customer churn and increase customer retention

How to reduce customer churn when it's more critical than ever

Customer churn is a major challenge faced by many SaaS companies. On average, SaaS companies lose 3-8% of their customers per month. That’s 32-50% of...

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What are the Benefits of AI Generated Content for SaaS Companies?

What are the benefits of AI generated content for SaaS companies?

AI generated content – it’s currently the biggest, buzziest subject in the worlds of business, technology, and art. It’s controversial, but it’s also...

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What Is the Modern Learner and How to Teach Them

What is the Modern Learner and how to teach them

Just as the workplace has changed significantly over the past few years, so has the way people learn. Today, employees feel overwhelmed, distracted,...

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