Videate Blog


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Text-to-Speech (2)

How we made a realistic text to speech voice

How we made a customized, realistic text to speech voice

Our big bet when we started Videate was that text to speech (TTS) would keep getting better, eventually becoming indistinguishable from human speech....

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New learnings about scaling video translation

When we got started 2+ years ago we made a couple of strategic bets. One was that text-to-speech voices would come of age and they have. Another was...

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3 keys to scalable video translation

One of the most interesting use cases for automating video production is language translation. Very few organizations can produce software videos, in...

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The age of the text to speech generator is here

The age of the text to speech audio generator is here

Our big bet in launching Videate was that text-to-speech engines would improve rapidly. In the short time since we started the company, Amazon,...

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Automated software video translation has arrived

One of the great challenges of modern SaaS applications is keeping the onboarding tools, technical documentation and videos up to date. Agile...

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