New learnings about scaling video translation
When we got started 2+ years ago we made a couple of strategic bets. One was that text-to-speech voices would come of age and they have. Another was...
When we got started 2+ years ago we made a couple of strategic bets. One was that text-to-speech voices would come of age and they have. Another was...
Earlier this month, Videate joined the Content Advantage talk show with Scott Abel and Megan Gilhooly, hosted by Zoomin. During the live session, we...
Our big bet in launching Videate was that text-to-speech engines would improve rapidly. In the short time since we started the company, Amazon,...
Last week Videate presented at its first “trade show” (ConVEx) and attended a second virtual conference (CEdMA). Both were awesome and we learned a...
Sometimes it’s quite amazing to learn that small things can make a huge difference when you build a new product. When Videate was founded, the...