3 min read

Screen recorders cost WAY more than you think.

Screen recorders cost WAY more than you think.

$2.6 trillion dollars

According to a recent McKinsey report, that's how much generative AI's impact on productivity could add in value.

Like, globally.

McKinsey estimates that generative AI could automate work activities that used to take up to 70% of an employee's day.

And in the Customer Success and Customer Education worlds, that time is usually taken up by manually screen recording and editing software training and how-to videos.

As the SaaS industry continues to evolve, customer education and success have become critical to driving product adoption and reducing churn.

Generative AI isn't just upending stuff like chatbots. It's disrupting the way we've always made tutorial videos.

You know, the things millennial customers would much rather deal with than ever picking up a phone. (I'm allowed to say that, I'm a millennial).


Screen recording and editing: Too much money. Too much time.

In SaaS customer education, video content is often created using screen recording software to demonstrate product features, conduct tutorials, and guide users through various workflows.

If you're Type A (or just like to dot all your i's and cross all your t's), you start by drafting a detailed script and storyboard. If you want to be more loosey-goosey about it, you just hit record and start winging it.

Either way, the traditional process requires recording your on-screen activities along with voiceover narration and then editing the video together afterwards.

Cost and Time Considerations:

Despite the absence of a camera crew or onsite production, creating these videos can still be labor-intensive.

Somebody who actually knows what they're talking about when it comes to the software must write (or at least approve) the script. Then somebody--often that same person-- records and edits.

Then, as the software evolves (because it always, always does), the videos must be updated to make sure customers aren't getting the wrong information.

So it's back to the drawing board again, re-recording, re-editing, etc. etc.

On average, producing a single 3 minute video takes, at minimum, 8 hours out of your workday.

Scalability Challenges:

Scaling video production in this context presents significant challenges.

The demand for educational content is huge and increasing, meaning SaaS companies must create and maintain a large volume of videos.

Traditional methods lack automation, making it difficult to rapidly produce or revise content at scale. It's impossible to stay up to date with constant product updates doing everything manually. 


Using Generative AI for how-to videos is a game-changer

Generative AI has revolutionized the way SaaS companies produce video content.

It automates the video creation process, all the way from script to screen. It can generate the script, generate the screen recording, create text to speech voiceover, and add effects and graphics-- pretty much all at the push of a button.


Cost Efficiency:

One of the most significant advantages of using generative AI in video creation is the reduction in costs.

Traditional video production requires human expertise at multiple stages, whereas AI can automate these tasks, reducing the need for extensive human involvement.

This not only cuts down on labor costs but also speeds up the production process. 

Speed and Scalability:

AI-driven tools can produce a large volume of videos in a fraction of the time it would take using manual methods. This is particularly beneficial for SaaS companies that need to regularly update their content to reflect product changes.

With AI, videos can be updated automatically, ensuring that educational content remains accurate and relevant without the need for time-consuming manual revisions.

Quality and Consistency:

Another critical benefit of generative AI is the ability to maintain a high level of quality and consistency across all video content.

AI ensures that every video adheres to the same standards, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring a uniform brand voice.

This level of consistency is challenging to achieve manually, where human error and variability can lead to inconsistencies in the final product.

Also, your voice won't get tired and your dog barking in the hallway during a recording session no longer matters.


Cost-Benefit Analysis: Traditional vs. Generative AI Video Creation

Traditional Video Creation Costs:

  • Labor-Intensive: Requires significant human resources for scripting, recording, and editing.

  • Time-Consuming: Production cycles can span several days, and must be completely redone every time the software updates.

  • Limited Scalability: Difficult to scale without additional time and resources, especially when frequent updates are necessary.

Basically, it' expensive and ineffective for the needs of a SaaS company-- unless you want to add more headcount.

Generative AI Costs:

  • Lower Initial Costs: Automation reduces the need for extensive human labor.

  • Rapid Production: AI can create and update videos quickly, cutting down production time significantly-- sometimes by as much as 90%!

  • Scalability: Easily scales to produce a large volume of content or make frequent updates without the additional time and cost burden.

But I won't lie to you-- it's not all sunshine and roses in the world of AI.

Initial setup and integration of AI tools may require specialized knowledge and investment. Plus, while AI is powerful, it lacks the creative nuance that human professionals bring to the table.

Granted, how-to videos don't require an Oscar-worthy script or performance. But some human oversight is essential to ensure nothing crazy or inaccurate is getting generated.

There are two paths before you. Which shall you choose?

Look, people want video. You need only look at TikTok to know I'm right. And it doesn't only apply to people craving viral dances and rumors about celebrities' dating lives.

How-to and tutorial videos are critical for SaaS companies-- from onboarding to product adoption to reducing churn

And with the constant updates from your product, are you really gonna make more work for yourself by producing videos manually?

That's, like, so 2013.

If you want the ability to scale video production rapidly, you gotta jump on the generative AI train. Specifically, Videate's generative AI train.

Videate uses AI-powered automation to generate videos in just minutes. 

Find out what it can do for you. Get a demo today!


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