Videate Blog

AI for Customer Success: 5 innovations reshaping the industry

Written by Videate | Apr 17, 2024

That annoying TikTok text to speech voice is out. Neural text to speech is IN.

SaaS companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their customer success strategies. One of the most powerful tools in their arsenal? Artificial Intelligence.

By leveraging AI, SaaS companies can not only revolutionize how they engage with customers but also drive user behavior in meaningful ways. 


Personalized customer journeys

Imagine a world where every customer interaction feels like a personalized experience tailored just for them. With AI, this is no longer just a pipe dream—it's a reality. 

Customer success is not just about ensuring customers are satisfied with a product or service; it's about creating long-term value and fostering loyalty. Personalized customer journeys play a crucial role in achieving this goal by providing users with a seamless and enjoyable experience, but it’s tough to do at scale if doing so manually.

Traditional approaches often result in one-size-fits-all interactions that fail to address individual needs and preferences, leading to disengagement and dissatisfaction.

But AI can analyze user behavior and preferences and immediately deliver customized recommendations, content, and solutions that drive specific user behaviors, such as increased engagement and product adoption. These journeys are not only tailored to individual needs but also anticipate challenges and foster long-term relationships. 


Automated onboarding

Traditional onboarding for new customers can be manual and time-consuming, for both the Customer Education team building it and the customer using it. This old type of onboarding also tends to be generic, simply due to the amount of effort it takes to build out an onboarding program. So it might not even cover all of the use cases new customers encounter.

If the onboarding is not engaging, informative, up-to-date, and available at the exact moment of need, the risk of early churn rises.

Users expect instant access to information, and AI delivers by providing personalized assistance at that moment of need. AI can analyze user behavior to identify gaps in knowledge and deliver personalized guidance and training materials based on individual needs and learning styles. This reduces the customer’s time to value and increases user satisfaction by providing the right information at the right time.


Proactive customer support

Customer Success teams have traditionally relied on reactive support, waiting for customers to reach out with issues before taking action. While this approach can resolve immediate concerns, it often fails to address underlying issues or prevent future problems. 

AI changes the game by enabling proactive support, where SaaS companies can anticipate and address potential issues before they escalate. By analyzing data from across their user base, companies can identify trends and patterns that indicate larger issues, allowing them to take action before more customers are affected– instead of waiting for all the support tickets to roll in.

AI can also evaluate trends in user behavior and feedback and identify common pain points so companies can develop solutions to address them. This not only improves the customer experience but also drives user behavior by showing that the company is responsive to customer needs. 


Predictive Churn Analysis

Churn is the enemy of every SaaS company. It should get its own Marvel cinematic universe.

Prior to AI Customer Success tools, SaaS companies struggled to predict and prevent churn, often relying on reactive measures to retain customers. Now, churn risks can be predicted and prevented, enabling companies to launch targeted interventions to retain at-risk users. 

Now, instead of waiting for customers to leave, teams can now take proactive steps to retain them. Plus, by analyzing churn data with AI, companies can identify common reasons for customer dissatisfaction and quickly make strategic changes to address these issues. 


Dynamic Content Recommendations

Everybody– from your customers to your toddler to your grandmother– is constantly bombarded with content. Every single company and content creator is vying for attention. How can a SaaS company possibly compete with the Tiktok-ification of it all?

Personalized content recommendations. And it really can only be done at scale with the help of AI. AI can analyze a specific user’s behavior to recommend relevant content that resonates with their interests and needs. 


"AI enables Customer Success teams to tailor interactions, providing customized recommendations, content, and solutions through AI-powered chatbots and personalized assistance based on previous interactions and preferences." (SmartKarrot)


AI-generated software how-to videos at scale

SaaS companies that embrace AI will not only enhance their customer success efforts but also create more meaningful and lasting relationships with their customers.

AI is revolutionizing customer success strategies in the SaaS industry in more ways than one.

At Videate, we’re specifically focused on using AI and automation to automatically generate how-to videos for SaaS companies. 

Get a demo and find out what Videate can do for you.